Rollin' with Meg, Peg & Ruby

Hi, I'm Meg, a 27-year-old with enough energy to rival two working dogs—a border collie and a Labrador. Ever since I was little, I've adored animals in any shape or form. They bring so much joy and laughter into our lives!

Meet Peggy: The Whirlwind from Glasgow

Let me introduce you to Peggy, a cheeky two-year-old border collie all the way from Glasgow. Now, I could go on and on about her, but I'll keep it short (unlike her boundless energy). Peggy has been quite the challenge for me, but she's also one of the reasons Essex Dog Services was created.

Peggy was a complicated soul—reactive and unpredictable. But after extensive (and when I say extensive I mean extensive!) research into border collies and some serious trial and error, she's like a different dog today. It's been a whirlwind and on going journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. She’s my little super star. Get ready for many Border Collie focused blogs starring Peggy! 

Meet Ruby: The Labrador Angel

Now, let's talk about Ruby, Our six-year-old Labrador. She's the perfect angel dog who made me want to get a second furry friend. Ruby embodies everything you'd expect from a Labrador, Food and Swimming obsessed. She has the temperament of a saint, and I couldn't be more grateful to have her in my life. Rubys No.1 talent is finding everyones missing balls they thought were lost forever!


Having two dogs with such different personalities has been an adventure, to say the least. It's like living with a comedy duo—one moment, Peggy is zooming around the house like a tornado, and the next, Ruby is calmly watching from the sidelines, wondering what on earth her sister is up to.

But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. These two furry companions have brought so much joy, laughter, and love into my life. They've taught me patience, resilience, and the importance of embracing the unexpected.

So, whether you're a dog lover or simply someone who appreciates the quirky and unpredictable nature of life, I hope you enjoyed meeting Peggy and Ruby. They've certainly made my life a whole lot more interesting, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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